Stylishly furnished flat with lovely views and private garden in Alanya Bektaş

Asking price owner: EUR 179 000
€ 179 000
110 m²
5000 m
Kind of Property: 
Property ID: 
  • Stylish fully furnished flat with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and two large balconies in Alanya Bektaş, 5000 m from the sea and 3500 m from the centre of Alanya
  • The flat is located on a picturesque slope of the Taurus Mountains, where you will enjoy clear air, privacy, silence and stunning views of the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea
  • Bektaş is a new region and has mainly luxury villas and modern homes, year after year Bektaş's popularity is growing among foreign buyers who appreciate nature, tranquillity and warm friendly atmosphere, the centre of Alanya is only 10 minutes away from Bektaş
  • The flat has undergone a stylish design renovation, modern furniture and new household appliances have been installed, in the interior, white is successfully combined with amber shades, and soft lighting on multiple levels, fashionable prints on the walls, wood decoration, velvet and satin textures and exclusive decorative items create an atmosphere of luxury and abundance
  • The living room is divided into a dining area, with a stylish oval table and chairs, and a living room, with a comfortable beige sofa, an armchair, an original coffee table and a side table, the white lacquered kitchen, with many spacious compartments for storing food, is equipped with a fridge, dishwasher and oven
  • The master bedroom is decorated in a rich classical style, with peach tones in the interior, mirrors and elegant stucco on the walls, the room is equipped with a large, comfortable bed, bedside tables, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe, the furnishing of the children's room is also original and will certainly appeal to the new owners; there are also stylish compact beds, a wardrobe and a bedside table
  • The flat has two bathrooms with shower and two large balconies, one of which has a comfortable seating area with comfortable garden furniture, here you can spend hours enjoying the picturesque panorama of the sea, the birdsong in the garden and the fresh mountain air, from the terrace there is access to a spacious green lawn; if desired, the new owners can install a children's play area, barbecue area, hammocks, swings or deckchairs
  • The complex offers residents a swimming pool and parking facilities, as well as a caretaker responsible for daily maintenance work, the main infrastructure is located in the centre of Alanya, three and a half kilometres from the residence, there are supermarkets, shopping centres, beauty salons, fitness clubs, clinics, bank branches etc, the distance from the flats to the sea is about five kilometres
  • Good to know: We help you from start to finish when buying a property in Turkey. A brief overview of our services can be found here

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Property Amenities

  • Private garden
  • Air conditioning
  • Blinds
  • Built-in kitchen
  • First class interior wooden doors of special design
  • Floors of high quality ceramic tiles and laminate
  • Volledig ingericht
  • Hallway with built-in wardrobe
  • High quality PVC double-glazed windows
  • High quality sanitary ware
  • High quality stainless steel entrance door
  • Indirect lighting, built-in LED spot lights
  • Terrace
  • Thermal and sound insulation
  • Walls are painted with waterproof satin paint
  • Closed territory
  • Parking
  • Cooktop
  • Dishwasher
  • Hood
  • Open kitchen
  • Oven
  • Refrigerator
  • Landscaped garden
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Concierge
  • City view
  • Forest view
  • Mountain view
  • Sea view

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