New villas in Bodrum Güvercinlik

Asking price owner: EUR 465 000
Price from: € 465 000
115-145 m²
3000 m
Kind of Property: 
Property ID: 
  • Located in Güvercinlik, an emerging region close to Bodrum Milas International Airport, is a new residence under construction - with 117 villas - with its own unique style
  • This project reminds us what living in Bodrum used to be, with its simple approach with the environment in mind, the prime location ensures that the project is very easily accessible from the airport
  • The area of the villas ranges from 115 m² to 145 m² and - depending on the layout - consists of two to four bedrooms and as many bathrooms, each villa has a private garden and some villas also have their own private swimming pool
  • The architectural design of the buildings is reminiscent of old Bodrum-style houses with a minimalist approach to life, the barn and chicken coop provide the homeowners with fresh produce and at the weekly organic market local produce can be bought without leaving the property
  • The multifunctional sports fields, children's playground and aqua park can keep families entertained during the summer holidays
  • In short: living in nature with all the advantages of Bodrum

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Property Amenities

  • Private garden
  • Private pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Built-in kitchen
  • Electric boiler
  • First class interior wooden doors of special design
  • High quality PVC double-glazed windows
  • High quality sanitary ware
  • High quality stainless steel entrance door
  • Indirect lighting, built-in LED spot lights
  • Marble floors
  • Terrace
  • Thermal and sound insulation
  • Walls are painted with waterproof satin paint
  • Closed territory
  • Pathway
  • Private parking
  • Water tank
  • Basketball court
  • Camera surveillance
  • Children's pool
  • Landscaped garden
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Security 24/7
  • Shop
  • Tennisveld
  • Waterslide

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