New flats 500 m from the beach in Mersin Erdemli

Asking price owner: EUR 64 000
Price from: € 64 000
45-70 m²
500 m
Kind of Property: 
Property ID: 
  • New residence flats with one or two bedrooms just 500 metres from the beach in Erdemli Mersin
  • The residence will feature a compact internal infrastructure including a garden with barbecue facilities, a large swimming pool and children's pool, a playground and a basketball court
  • Your safety will be ensured by 24/7 security and CCTV camera surveillance, and a generator will ensure that you will always have electricity - even in the event of power grid failures, your car can be parked in the residence's car park
  • A flexible payment plan is available with reduced introductory prices during the first phase of the project: 50% deposit upon signing of the contract and the balance can be paid by monthly installments, completion is scheduled for December 2025
  • Good to know: We assist you from start to finish when buying a property in Turkey. A brief overview of our services can be found here

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Property Amenities

  • Built-in kitchen
  • Doorphone video intercom with colour monitor
  • First class interior wooden doors of special design
  • Floors of high quality ceramic tiles and laminate
  • High quality PVC double-glazed windows
  • High quality sanitary ware
  • High quality stainless steel entrance door
  • Indirect lighting, built-in LED spot lights
  • Thermal and sound insulation
  • Walls are painted with waterproof satin paint
  • Automatic gate
  • Closed territory
  • Generator
  • Parking
  • Arbors
  • Barbecue area
  • Basketball court
  • Camera surveillance
  • Children's pool
  • Elevator
  • Landscaped garden
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Playground
  • Satellite dish
  • Security 24/7

All information on this website – including the availability and prices of the published real estate – is subject to change. Although all data have been checked very carefully, possible errors can not be excluded.
The default currency used on this website is euro. This means that all prices are displayed in euros. If the current owner of a property wishes to be paid in another currency, such as Turkish Lira, Swiss franc, USD, GBP or any other currency, this is explicitly stated as "Asking price owner". In this case, the euro entry is an approximate price which can change due to the fluctuations in exchange rates. In addition to the usual purchase costs, a commission of 3% is due as determined by the Turkish regulations. Please contact us for the correct and actual price.