Fully equipped flat 500 metres from the beach in Kemer

Asking price owner: EUR 149 000
€ 149 000
75 m²
500 m
Kind of Property: 
Property ID: 
  • Flat for sale located in the centre of Kemer, close to the sea and all infrastructure, yet despite its central setting, it is a peaceful location for a wonderful holiday
  • The flat for sale consists of two bedrooms, a living room combined with an open kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony, the flat has an area of 75 m², the property is offered for sale fully furnished
  • The flat is located in a residence with a swimming pool, the excellent location offers privileged living facilities such as a swimming pool and beautiful views of nature on a plot of 1265 m²
  • In terms of location it is 500 m from the sea, 500 m from Kemer centre and 60 km from the airport, located in one of the best locations in Kemer this flat is an opportunity not to be missed, whether it is an investment in a holiday home or permanent residence
  • Kemer is a good choice for many local and foreign tourists every year because of its nature, many opportunities for local and social life, Blue Flag beaches, famous clubs and restaurants and high-quality living spaces

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Property Amenities

  • Air conditioning
  • Built-in kitchen
  • Floors of high quality ceramic tiles and laminate
  • Volledig ingericht
  • High quality PVC double-glazed windows
  • High quality stainless steel entrance door
  • Terrace
  • Walls are painted with waterproof satin paint
  • Cooktop
  • Dishwasher
  • Hood
  • Open kitchen
  • Oven
  • Refrigerator
  • Children's pool
  • Landscaped garden
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Outdoor swimming pool

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The default currency used on this website is euro. This means that all prices are displayed in euros. If the current owner of a property wishes to be paid in another currency, such as Turkish Lira, Swiss franc, USD, GBP or any other currency, this is explicitly stated as "Asking price owner". In this case, the euro entry is an approximate price which can change due to the fluctuations in exchange rates. In addition to the usual purchase costs, a commission of 3% is due as determined by the Turkish regulations. Please contact us for the correct and actual price.